The Amherst Island Community Alliance will be hosting a free, two-hour seminar for community organizations on how to write a successful Loyalist Township grant application. These grants to enhance and enrich our community are funded by the Community Benefit Agreement with Windlectric and the next round of applications are due June 1st. The seminar will be held on May 3rd at the Lodge beginning at 7pm in the Sunroom. Anyone interesting in learning more about the Renewable Energy Fund Grant Policy and how to apply for a grant is welcome.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Friday, April 22, 2022 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the Lodge on Amherst Island
Outdoor meeting on the back deck (rain plan is to move to the sunroom)
The Annual General Meeting is open to all interested members of the community.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Amherst Island Community Alliance will be held on April 22nd, 2022, commencing at 7:00pm.
If you are unable to attend but wish to exercise your vote then you may do so by requesting a proxy from the Secretary and returning it to her prior to the start of the meeting. She may be contacted at
- Report of the Chair on the operations of the Alliance
- Report of the Treasurer on the finances of the Corporation
MOTION: That the report of the Treasurer be received. - Election of Directors
MOTION: That Christie Alexander, Kirk Corkery, David Pickering and Molly Stroyman be elected as Directors to serve until the next AGM. - Election of Auditors for the coming year
MOTION: That Lorna Willis and Carrie Sudds be appointed as the reviewers in lieu of an auditor for the upcoming fiscal year. - Corporate motion to ratify the acts of the Directors in the previous year
MOTION: That all acts including the proceedings, appointments, elections and payments enacted, made, done and taken by the Directors and Officers of the Amherst Island Community Alliance since the last Annual General Meeting be approved, ratified and confirmed. - Any other business that may properly come before the meeting
- Adjournment
DATED at Stella, Ontario, this 31st day of March, 2022.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Christie Alexander, Secretary to the Board
AI Marina Survey
Attention Island Boaters!
We are researching the concept of having tie up slips or possibly a small marina for the island. We are asking anyone who has a boat or visits the island by boat to complete this quick 3 minute survey so that future decisions can be information based. Please help us by taking a few minutes. The survey can be accessed at:
Thank you for your help!
Amherst Island Logo
The AICA recently completed work on an Amherst Island logo. The logo is free to use by any business or organization on the island. We undertook this initiative because:
• We are one community; a common logo binds us together and demonstrates to the world at large that we are connected;
• For the small businesses, its use helps build the Island brand and links them to the community and each other;
• For organizations on the island, its use demonstrates our common link and the broader community we serve;
• For others off the island, our logo becomes an instant recognition of the Island brand, culture and community.
For more information, download the logo style guide HERE.
Amherst Island Blooms – 2021
Amherst Island Blooms (AI Blooms) is a recognition program for any resident (whether permanent or seasonal) that encourages and rewards your efforts to beautify your gardens. By recognizing efforts spent on garden plantings, we hope to encourage residents to put some thought into how your individual efforts benefit this wonderful place we all call home. Whether you have beds, borders, containers or any combination thereof, it all counts!
Nominations open June 1st and close by July 15. The nomination can be from anyone and self-nomination is permitted. To fill out a nomination form, click HERE.
This initiative is for all islanders, no matter how green your thumbs might be! Plantings can be annual or perennial flowers, shrubs or trees, vegetables, fruit – it is totally up to the property owner. Emphasis is on participation!
AI Blooms recognition markers will be distributed in July.
We hope this gets your gardening ideas percolating. Additional details to come! To hear more about AI Blooms and join in the discussion, please tune into CJAI 101.3 FM on Monday mornings between 8:30-9:00 am.
Amherst Island Plant Sale – 2021
The Amherst Island Community Alliance is pleased to announce our major fundraiser for 2021: our first ever plant sale. What is so unique and special about this event is the concept that all island residents can shop safely for plant material right here on Amherst Island. It is our hope that a wide variety of plant material, from seeds to seedlings to perennial divisions and beyond, will be available for all of us to purchase at reasonable prices. We will be offering contactless payment options, and social distancing protocols will be in place.
We are looking for help collecting plant material! If you happen to have extra seeds, seedlings, or perennial plant divisions to make, we would like you to consider donating some to the cause. We are also accepting cash donations so as to help us round out the offering. Please email us ( and let us know if you can help us produce the best event we possibly can! And yes, we are looking for volunteers to help in the week leading up to the event.
Donations to help support AICA can be made via e-transfer and sent to
To follow along with the plant sale progress, please feel free to tune into The Udder Morning Show on CJAI 101.3 FM Monday mornings between 8:30-10am.
Sponsored by The Cape Bretoner’s Farmgate, home of Sheila’s Greenhouse
Notice of Annual General Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Amherst Island Community Alliance will be held on April 11th, 2021, commencing at 2 PM. In light of the current COVID situation, the meeting shall be conducted via Zoom and members will be able to vote on the various motions at the meeting. Members must register prior to the meeting in order to receive the meeting link and to vote by going to:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email and the link to join the meeting. If you are unable to attend but wish to exercise your vote, you may do so by requesting a proxy from the Secretary and returning it to her prior to the start of the meeting. She may be contacted at
- Report of the Chair on the operations of the Alliance
- Report of the Treasurer on the finances of the Corporation
- MOTION: That the report of the Treasurer be received.
- Election of Directors
- MOTION: That Christie Alexander, Kirk Corkery, John Dauvergne, Stephane Levac and Molly Stroyman be elected as Directors to serve until the next AGM.
- Election of Auditors for the coming year
- MOTION: That Lorna Willis and Carrie Sudds be appointed as the reviewers in lieu of an auditor for the upcoming fiscal year.
- Corporate motion to ratify the acts of the Directors in the previous year
- MOTION: That all acts including the proceedings, appointments, elections and payments enacted, made, done and taken by the Directors and Officers of the Amherst Island Community Alliance since the last Annual General Meeting be approved, ratified and confirmed.
- Any other business that may properly come before the meeting
- Adjournment
DATED at Stella, Ontario, this 26th day of March, 2021
By Order of the Board of Directors
Christie Alexander, Secretary to the Board
Calling All AI Artisans and Fine Craftspeople
Are you an island artisan or creator of innovative works? The AICA has a new challenge for you. We are starting a program in 2021 to recognize the time and effort that our residents put into their front gardens on the island. Qualifying gardens will be given an “AI Blooms Recognition Marker” and we would like to have local artisans and craftspeople design and produce the markers that will be given out over the next few years.
Are you up to the task? If you are interested in proposing your ideas and concepts please download a copy of the Request for Proposal. Submit your proposal here. Deadline is March 31st, 2021. We look forward to hearing from you.
AICA Annual General Meeting
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Sunday, September 20, 2020 2:00pm – 4:00pm
The Lodge on Amherst Island
Outdoor meeting on the back deck (rain plan is to move to the Sunroom)
Please wear a mask and maintain social distance
The Annual General Meeting is open to all interested members of the community.
The Secretary shall compile the list of members eligible to register and vote at the meeting. Only those individuals who were members during the previous fiscal year are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting. For the proxy voting form please click here.
Business transacted at the meeting shall include:
a. Presentation and passing of the corporate by-law. To obtain a copy please click here or call 613-389-1005 for a printed copy.
b. The Chair, on behalf of the Board, shall present a report of the activities and accomplishments of the Alliance since the last Annual General Meeting;
c. The Treasurer shall report on the finances of the Alliance for the previous fiscal year including a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures since the last Annual General Meeting and a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Alliance, certified by the Auditors;
d. The Nominating Committee shall make their recommendation on Directors to be elected and the Members shall elect the Directors;
e. The Members shall appoint the auditors for the upcoming year; e. The Members shall pass a motion to amend the bylaw or constitution, if desired. Such amendment or revision will only take effect upon conclusion of the meeting or such later date as may be stipulated in the amendment;
f. The Members shall pass a Corporate Motion removing the liability of the Directors for their actions in the prior year. The motion shall be “That all acts including the proceedings, appointments, elections and payments enacted, made, done and taken by the Directors and Officers of the Alliance since the last Annual General Meeting be approved, ratified and confirmed.”;
g. Any such further business as may properly come before an Annual General Meeting.
Community Update 1
Volume 1 / Issue 1 – Amherst Island Community Alliance
Printable (PDF) version here
Dear Residents of Amherst Island,

Firstly, I want to assure everyone that as your councillor, I am here for you throughout the duration of this public health emergency. Since large public gatherings are discouraged at this time, I have determined to communicate with you once a week by radio. I will be live on air at 9 am every Friday morning on CJAI Radio at 101.3 FM to provide, among other information, any important updates I receive from various levels of government and KFL&A Public Health. I remain, as always, available by phone and email for any and all needs or inquiries.
It is important during times such as these for elected officials to offer reputable information as well as sound and reassuring advice. In that vein I would like to state a few important points; most will already be familiar to you, but they are worth repeating.
“For the safety of all, it is paramount that citizens follow the direction of Public Health officials during this pandemic”
Public Health Protocols
For the safety of all, it is paramount that citizens follow the direction of Public Health officials during this pandemic. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention is currently reporting that messaging on COVID-19 needs to be: everyone is at risk of (potentially) severe health complications from this virus, as increasing numbers of young people between the ages of 20 and 44 (previously thought to be of lesser concern) are having to be treated in intensive care units. It remains, however, that certain other demographics are at a much higher risk. Of particular relevance to Amherst Island, those most at risk of increased morbidity (from COVID-19) are the elderly, those with immunosuppressive conditions, those with heart conditions, lung problems, and those with diabetes. To protect the most vulnerable it is vital that social distancing be observed at all times. Remember: these protective measures are about preventing YOU from becoming a vector of the virus to others. These measures are in place to protect the most at risk among us. Social distancing means staying at home unless it is necessary to go out. Going to a friend’s place for coffee is not social distancing. When you must be in proximity to someone else, stand at least six feet apart from them. Again, of note for Islanders in particular, no one is to leave their vehicle on board the ferry unless to use the washroom. Fares have been suspended, so no contact with anyone outside your vehicle is necessary. This is to protect you and our front-line ferry crew, to whom we all owe a debt of gratitude for their continued service.
“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
Coretta Scott King
Further, all residents of Amherst Island who are returning from anywhere outside of Canada, welcome home! We are so glad you are back, and safe. As you may already know, you are asked to self-isolate for a minimum period of 14 days. This means going home straight away and entering complete isolation. Most organizations have already established protocols to protect their staff and workers should they come into contact with persons screened for the virus, such as those returning from abroad. So again, for public safety and to minimize economic disruption, anyone returning from abroad is advised to go straight home and remain there. To help ensure isolated people have what they need when they arrive and during their isolation, there are currently community groups and local business making every effort to supply those persons with basic necessities. Those who are self-isolating are encouraged to phone friends or reach out to some of these organizations, and to pay attention for updates on these initiatives. Amherst Island thrives in such circumstances and no one will go hungry or without basic necessities. You may be isolated, but you are not alone!
Anyone who wishes to be of assistance in supplying those who are self-isolating can contact the Amherst Island Community Alliance, who are spearheading these efforts in coordination with other valued organizations of Amherst Island.
Lastly, KFL&A Public Health is discouraging any non-essential travel beyond the region of our public health authority. Whilst there is currently no requirement to self-isolate for those entering or returning to our region from nearby hotspots like Toronto or Ottawa, the situation is always evolving and everyone should be vigilant. Unnecessary visits from friends or family who live outside our public health region are discouraged.
Mental Health
In an age of such advanced communication technology and media, it can be overwhelming when exposed to so much disquieting information. News media profits from social anxiety and preoccupation, and thus the sheer volume of opinion and information on the topic of COVID-19 has increased steadily. Quite simply it is not helpful to overburden the mind with too much of what is “out there” on the topic. Overexposure leads to heightened anxiety, depression, and feelings of helplessness. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has four good pieces of advice:
- take breaks from news media
- take care of your body (eat right, exercise, meditate, get lots of restful sleep)
- make time to unwind and do activities you enjoy or find fulfilling
- find ways to connect with others and talk
Compassion should be our collective response to one another, period.
Lastly, times such as these can create new and difficult challenges for a community. What is important is for us to remember who we are: we are proud citizens of this beautiful, special place. Part of what makes Amherst Island what it is, is our community spirit – our best available defence against this pandemic. Although we are physically distancing ourselves from one another, I would ask that we remain connected with one another as best we can and in as many innovative ways as we can. Compassion should be our collective response to one another, period.
This pandemic is indeed “novel” and unprecedented. The unpredictability and rapid evolution of it is genuine cause for concern. However, there is a lot to be confident about, particularly given the country we live in. We are going to be okay. We are going to get through this and life will go on. It may be different. How different and in what ways, we cannot really know yet. The altruism, creativity, resilience, and optimism that characterize “the Island way” ought to be our light in this dark passage.
I have said many times before, and I will repeat it again: It is the privilege of my life to represent you; it is not a job but a vocation. I will do my very best to rise to this intense occasion, as I know and trust you will, too.
Nathan Townend
Contact Us
AICA Telephone: (613) 929-2905