AICA Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Sunday, September 20, 2020  2:00pm – 4:00pm
The Lodge on Amherst Island

Outdoor meeting on the back deck (rain plan is to move to the Sunroom)
Please wear a mask and maintain social distance
The Annual General Meeting is open to all interested members of the community.

The Secretary shall compile the list of members eligible to register and vote at the meeting. Only those individuals who were members during the previous fiscal year are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting. For the proxy voting form please click here.


Business transacted at the meeting shall include:

a. Presentation and passing of the corporate by-law.  To obtain a copy please click here or call 613-389-1005 for a printed copy.

b. The Chair, on behalf of the Board, shall present a report of the activities and accomplishments of the Alliance since the last Annual General Meeting;

c. The Treasurer shall report on the finances of the Alliance for the previous fiscal year including a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures since the last Annual General Meeting and a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Alliance, certified by the Auditors;

 d. The Nominating Committee shall make their recommendation on Directors to be elected and the Members shall elect the Directors;

 e. The Members shall appoint the auditors for the upcoming year; e. The Members shall pass a motion to amend the bylaw or constitution, if desired. Such amendment or revision will only take effect upon conclusion of the meeting or such later date as may be stipulated in the amendment;

 f. The Members shall pass a Corporate Motion removing the liability of the Directors for their actions in the prior year. The motion shall be “That all acts including the proceedings, appointments, elections and payments enacted, made, done and taken by the Directors and Officers of the Alliance since the last Annual General Meeting be approved, ratified and confirmed.”;

g. Any such further business as may properly come before an Annual General Meeting.