- Loyalist Township COVID-19 page: https://www.loyalist.ca/go/covid19
- Loyalist Township uses CodeRED app for updates: https://www.loyalisttownship.ca/index.cfm/contact/codered-social-media/
- KFL&A Public Health COVID-19 page: https://www.kflaph.ca/en/healthy-living/novel-coronavirus.aspx
- Ontario government COVID-19 page: https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus
- Federal government COVID-19 page: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html
If You Are Experiencing Symptoms
Contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000, your local public health unit or your primary care provider if you’re experiencing symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus. Please do not visit an assessment centre unless you have been referred by a health care professional. Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.
As the COVID-19 situation is ever-evolving please check this page, and all other relevant information sources, frequently to ensure you have the best, most up to date, information possible.
Information for Islanders
Amherst Island General Store
March 24 – For the time being access to the interior of the store will be limited. All orders can be placed online or by phone by calling 613-453-8399 and a time will be arranged. No access will be given without pre-arrangement.
Call first: 613-519-2331 NO TEXTS
SENIORS ONLY: 10:00 Am to 11:30 Am
General public: 2:30 Pm to 4:00 Pm
STORE HOURS: (without entry)
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday to Friday
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Saturday
Please note the two numbers.
Post Office: 613-519-2331
General Store: 613-453-8399
Messages from Councillor Nathan Townend
Weekly 9AM broadcast on CJAI 101.3FM’s Friday Morning Show
May 8th broadcast
May 1st broadcast
April 24th broadcast
April 17th broadcast
April 10th broadcast
April 3rd broadcast
March 27th broadcast
March 19th announcement
Nathan has released the first of what will be regular updates. Read that here. Download the PDF (printable).
For regular updates on the COVID-19 situation tune in to CJAI 101.3FM.
Other Helpful Sources
Amherst Island Community Alliance
Telephone: (613) 929-2905 (same as The Back Kitchen)
Email: aicommunityalliance@gmail.com
New to the island? Do we have your number?
If your number/email is not in the 2017 WI Phone Directory, please send us your information so that we can contact you if needed.
AI Facebook Page
Many important notices and discussions take place on the AI Facebook Page. Here is how to join Facebook:
Create an Account
How do I create a Facebook account?
Note: you must be at least 13 years old to create a Facebook account.
To create a Facebook account:
- Go to www.facebook.com/r.php.
- Enter your name, email or mobile phone number, password, date of birth and gender.
- Click Sign Up.
- To finish creating your account, you need to confirm your email or mobile phone number.
If you’re having a problem creating a Facebook account, call 613-929-2905
How Can You Help?
Over the coming months, there will be many opportunities to help our neighbours. Right now, we are looking for volunteers to do the following:
- Call neighbours to check-in (call or email us to sign up)
- Pick up groceries, prescriptions etc for those that cannot leave the island
- Assist with deliveries from the General Store. Orders can be placed by emailing mcginnsgs@gmail.com or calling 613-453-8399
Returning After Being Away
Please prepare to isolate yourself from the public for 14 days. This means no outside contact, period, except in case of emergency. If you require supplies or assistance please reach out to someone in the community and help will be found for you. This is for your safety as well as for the safety of our vulnerable populations on the island.
Loyalist Township Offices Closed to the Public
Loyalist Township continues to implement precautionary measures to ensure public safety. Effective Tuesday, March 17 at 4:30 p.m., the Loyalist Township Administration Office and all other municipal facilities will be closed to the public. These facilities will remain closed until April 6, at which time it will be re-evaluated. Township staff are still available to assist you via email or telephone. You can make an appointment to speak with a staff member by calling 613-386-7351.
While the Township recognizes the inconvenience this may cause, there are a variety of payment options available to residents to ensure their business with the Township continues despite the impact of the virus.
Township Waste Disposal
Loyalist Township continues to implement precautionary measures to ensure public safety.
Landfills Remain Open
The Amherst Island landfill office (Keith’s building) remains closed to the Public. While the facilities are closed, residents and businesses are still permitted to dispose of their waste within the landfills, as usual. In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, while offering this service, procedural changes are now in effect
Until further notice, there will no longer be any hand-to-hand exchanges between staff and patrons. This includes handling of cash, informational materials and receipts of transactions.
Those who deliver waste to the Violet or Amherst Island landfill are asked to remain in their vehicle upon entry. A landfill operator will greet you to obtain the necessary information from you and will then direct you how to proceed to disposal.
Effective until April 30th residents will be able to dispose of 1 garbage bag weekly without a bag tag. Each bag beyond the first will require a bag tag. This temporary measure will be re-evaluated as conditions evolve. If you’re not sick, we encourage residents to continue to practice waste reduction by utilizing their blue and grey boxes.
If you have information to add to this list, or feel something is missing, please reach out and let us know.