Odessa Municipal Office Temporary Closure
The Odessa Municipal office will be closed for approximately three weeks from April 12th, 2023, to May 1st, 2023, while the roof is being replaced and upgrades are made to the HVAC system.
During the closure, Township staff are available to provide service via phone, (613) 386-7351 and email, info@loyalist.ca or via online services through the Township website at www.Loyalist.ca.
Residents and customers requiring assistance in-person can access services at the Odessa Fire Station at 51 Main St. in Odessa where front line staff will be temporarily located.
The closure of the municipal office will require the April 24th Council meeting to move from a hybrid meeting to a full virtual meeting. For any residents that wish to attend the meeting a Zoom link will be posted to the April 24th Council Meeting Agenda on the council portal at https://loyalist.civicweb.net/Portal/Subscribe.aspx. The council meeting will also be streamed live on Loyalist Township’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@LoyalistTownshipGov
While residents will be able to access services, including tax payments, at the Odessa Fire Station for the duration of the closure, the April 28th property Tax deadline, may pose a challenge for some. A two-week extension to the property tax deadline, has been granted by Council with the new deadline now being May 14, 2023.