AICMC First Responders Info Session
Amherst Island Community Medical Clinic Information Session
AI First Responders Information Session. What happens when you call 911? If there is interest the session will be held in the afternoon and the evening. Please let Ida know which you prefer.
You are invited to attend our Monthly Health and Wellness Event
6:30pm – drop in for tea, coffee and cookies, compliments of Loaves and Fishes
7:00pm – 8:00pm – What happens when you call 911?
Amherst Island’s First Responders
What happens when you call 911? What if it is in the middle of the night and the ferry isn’t running? What if you are not sure you should call?
On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, the AICMC will be hosting an information event at St. Paul’s. Come and listen to two of Amherst Island’s FIRST RESPONDERS TEAM: Maureen McGinn and Andrew McDonald, as they tell us how the island 911 system works, and answer your questions about when to call and what they do.
Amherst Island’s First Responders are our island friends and neighbours, and will be first at your door in the event of a 911 call. Their actions could save your life. Come and meet them, and get the answers to the questions you have always wanted to ask.
There is no charge for any of our events. Donations are always welcome.